In this first installment of ‘The Operator’ series, Fear No Evil takes the reader on a head-shaking, thought-provoking, swearing-under-your-breath journey through the ugly world of corrupt politics, racial hatred, and terrorism.

Fear No Evil presents a new type of African-American hero, a tactical genius who is adept at operating anywhere in the world, under the harshest of conditions. His mixed gender team of operatives, all from elite police, government, and military units, are equal to any task put before them.

When Harold Ashford, director of the secretive Urban Justice Research Institute enlists prominent African Americans to combat the opponents of Affirmative Action and other Civil Rights legislation, all hell breaks loose.

Dr. Jonathan Richard Burns, leader of the ultra-violent white supremacy group, the New American Frontier, strikes back by kidnapping a Civil Rights leader and murdering his police bodyguards.

Ashford quickly recruits ex-military counter-terrorist specialist Dexter Diamond to lead the Institutes’ team of former government and Special Forces operators on a hasty rescue mission. Ashford then asks Dexter to lead the team as they attempt to protect Congresswoman Sheila E. Winters from a similar fate as she begins her campaign against violent domestic terrorist groups.

Using advanced technology, high-tech equipment, and a secret state-of-the-art operations center, Dexter, the team, and Congresswoman Winters engage in a deadly battle against the ruthless New American Frontier and its powerful political backers.

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Die By The S.W.O.R.D.

Counter-terrorist specialist Dexter Diamond and his S.W.O.R.D. operatives continue their mission of hunting down and eliminating the remainder of the NAF’s ill-fated Millennium Strike Force, and in doing so, ignite a conflict with Adam Clark and his CTAC assassins. From his maximum security prison cell, Sanchez Ruiz, the leader of the Latin Kings orders a hit put on Dexter for the death of his favorite nephew Rafael.
A continent away in Germany, US Army military police sergeant Jason Black begins an investigation into a series of hate crimes on the Army bases within the Schwabisch Gmund/Goppingen military community. Jason soon discovers that Army specialist Mark Kerns is heavily involved in Neo-Nazi activities and has connections to a secret Ku Klux Klan group that possibly spreads throughout the US military in Germany. When Jason’s commander, who is a member of the Klan orders him to drop the investigation, Jason refuses and is targeted for death by a KKK hit squad comprised of US soldiers.
Monique continues her investigation of The Brotherhood of the Iron Hammer, a violent and corrupt group of federal prison guards and stumbles across an informant that could help bring the entire organization down. When the Brotherhood learns of Monique’s plan to arrest several key members and possibly take down their national network, they enlist the services of a homicidal Aryan gang to set deadly trap for her to silence her and discourage any other federal prison inspectors from interfering in their operations.
As fate thrusts the players inevitably into each others’ paths, a sinister collaboration of terrorists from the vaunted Al Qaeda organization and the legendary Red Army Faction embark on a mission that will force them into a direct confrontation with Dexter’s feared S.W.O.R.D. operatives.

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